
Bharata Natyam Dança Clássica do Sul da Índia

From 1989 to 1997, Tarikavalli underwent in Paris the rigorous training in the Pandanallur Tradition of Bharata Natyam with her Master Shrimati Amala Devi, who had been a disciple and stage partner of Shri Ram Gopal, himself a major disciple of Shri Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai.
A legendary figure in Indian dance, the latter was a direct descendant of the famous four brothers of Tanjore who had established, in the 18th century the rules of a classical Bharata Natyam recital which are still referred to today.
In 1991, in parallel with her own teaching, her Master Shrimati Amala Devi entrusted the training of Tarikavalli to the Master in the Pandanallur Tradition Shri U.S. Krishna Rao of Bangalore.

From this time until 2001, the Artistic life of Tarikavalli has been divided on between India and France. She had the immense privilege of learning numerous compositions from Shri US Krishna Rao and his wife Shrimati Chandrabhaga Devi, both dancers and renowned choreographers. A repertoire proving to be an invaluable heritage, especially after the disappearance of these two irreplaceable Masters.
During her stays in Paris, Tarikavalli produced her first creations under the artistic direction of her Master Shrimati Amala Devi.
Particularly dazzling by their formal purity specific to the Pandanallur Tradition, the choreographies of Shri U.S. Krishna Rao display a grace and originality testifying to an exceptional creativity, and it is for Tarikavalli a great honor and privilege to be one of the very rare holders of the heritage of its last years of creation.
Back in Paris, under the leadership of historian and researcher Shrimati Vasundhara Filliozat, Tarikavalli set out to deepen her linguistic and historical understanding of the poems that inspired the dances in her repertoire.
From 2000 to 2005, Tarikavalli worked with dance master Shri Dayalasingham, who also accompanied her as a nattuvanar (rhythmic percussion leading both dance and orchestra) during her recitals in France.

In July 2011, she went to Tumkur near Bangalore, a new step in her career. She studied with Master Shri K.M. Raman, who had been a disciple of U.S. Krishna Rao in the 1960’s and thus deepened her teaching in the Pandanallur Tradition.
Nowadays, Tarikavalli resides in Lisbon. While pursuing her career as a dancer, she devoted herself to transmitting this precious heritage to a wide variety of publics by intervening in intercultural workshops in Europe.
She introduced the company of traditional Goan dance Grupo Ekvat (Casa de Goa, Lisbon) to the classical Indian style. She also gives regular classes to her students at Centro de Danças de Oeiras (Algès) and Casa de Goa (Lisbon).